Lentini, Kickboxing e Muai Thai. Beatrice Insolia sale sul gradino più alto nei campionati Fight 1 a Monaco di Baviera

Italian professional athletes from the Leonida’s Academy, Luca Cappello and Beatrice Insolia, attained exceptional lead to the Kickboxing and Muay Thai champions. Insolia won top place in the 50 kg females’s senior classification, making a gold medal at the ISKA World Championships in Munich. Cappello ended up sixth in the 75 kg guys’s senior classification. Both professional athletes formerly won the Italian Championships in June and were chosen for the Italian nationwide group for the 2023 ISKA World Championships. Cappello will have his very first expert match on December 9 at the global Evolution Fight occasion. The coach Francesco Loritto revealed pride in their accomplishments and credited their effort and sacrifices. Additionally, Loritto is now being supported by world champ Damiano Tramontana in the boxing element of training.


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