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MMA Passion


  1. I don't even like Henry… but Cejudo won that fight. Not by much (even a draw would have been "ok") but Aljo-shame did not win. Another scam of the UFC judges. That was the same judge that screwed Cejudo in that old Benevides fight that we also knew he won long ago. That judge is bought and paid for. This game is sooooo fish and smelly… full of cheating officials, and announcers that try to push particular fighters and narratives that serve the companies interests instead of just telling the truth of what 'actually' happened.

  2. Am I the only one that was literally disgusted by the bullshit we witnessed in the octagon after that fight? It was ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE IMO.. I hope there's enough backlash soon we never see such horribly SCRIPTED SHIT TALKING ever again.. 🤮🤮🤮

    I really hope this doesn't continue. If it does, I'm switching to Bellator and One permanently

  3. That audience was a little eft up at times, they have every right to boo, one minute they cheer then boo the same guy, understandably with Gracie but how they cheered Gilbert then booed him, idk maybe I'm just too touchy but they still had another fight to watch.


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