This video delves into the remarkable transformation of Conor’s appearance over the last few years.
MMA Passion


  1. Love for alc, partying, roids, yup his training and it's great but not only his face change..his face it's an symptom, sign for changes inside in his brain and heart. U never know when stroke come or heart attack.
    Everybody is different. I'm fresh after nasty divorce my ex wife prepeared for me and my little son. And what I know, I would be most happy men to have all time and money to be with my child.

  2. Weird , him and Zac Efron have got the same chin now . Crazy how one guy fell over and had to get surgery to his jaw while the other one took a tonne of alcohol and cocaine but the end result was the exact same. Their heads grew and their chins expanded to 1.5 times there original length.

    If only there was some other explanation as to why a guy who took a tonne of gear to look shredded in movies and a guy who took a tonne of gear to look shredded and recover faster from a broken ankle could have the same exact thing happen to their face. Must be Connor's crazy lifestyle in the lamborghini boat and thinking about the loss to Khabib.

  3. he's in his mid 30s and he's heavier than he used to be… it's not so crazy. most men's faces seem to change a lot around this age and beyond as they become more like their dad and their T levels go down. throw in a bit of extra weight, bit of extra water weight… people will look quite different. look at bam margera these days


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