Why it is unlikely that Conor McGregor will return to the UFC Octagon any time soon

Why it is unlikely that Conor McGregor will return to the UFC Octagon any time soon

Why it is unlikely that Conor McGregor will return to the UFC Octagon any time soon

Conor McGregor’s return to the world of mixed martial arts has been eagerly awaited by fans. Despite his recent record of three losses and only one win in the past three years, McGregor remains a huge star in the sport. His return was initially expected after he was announced as a coach on “The Ultimate Fighter” and a fight with opposing coach Michael Chandler was anticipated. However, McGregor has not re-entered the USADA testing pool and it seems unlikely that the fight with Chandler will happen in 2023. McGregor had previously hinted at receiving a special exemption, but USADA has denied this possibility. It remains uncertain when McGregor will return to the octagon.

There may be various reasons for the delays in McGregor’s return. One factor could be financial disagreements between McGregor and the UFC, as he demands a high price and the UFC may not be willing to meet his demands. McGregor’s recent performances and legal troubles may also affect the UFC’s willingness to negotiate. Additionally, McGregor’s star power may not be as crucial to the UFC’s profits compared to other revenue streams such as television rights and pay-per-view sales.

Overall, McGregor’s return seems to be further off than initially expected. Fans may have to settle for seeing him on “The Ultimate Fighter,” where his coaching performance has received criticism.


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