Sampage lets the trick out

Sampage lets the secret out

UFC fighter Sam “Sampage” Hughes might deal with discipline from the promo after exposing in a post-fight interview that her sweetheart had actually wagered $1,000 on her to win as a +400 underdog. While the couple stands to benefit $4,000 from the wager, the UFC set up a betting restriction for fighters and their households following a scandal including previous UFC fighter and fitness center owner James Krause. Krause was flagged for possibly sharing details and providing betting suggestions about among his fighters, causing a sharp line motion in a November 2021 UFC fight. Krause did not conceal his participation with sports betting and even charged consumers for badger MMA battles. The UFC sent a memo on October 17, 2022, prohibiting fighters and their households from betting on UFC battles, consisting of those in which they are not included. It is uncertain if Hughes will deal with penalty, however as a low-level fighter with a 3-4 all-time UFC profession record, there is possible issue for her task security in the promo.


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