Francis Ngannou on Why he left the UFC


The UFC has booked a must-see matchup for the heavyweight title at UFC 285, as Jon Jones and Ciryl Gane will battle it out for the vacant belt. After Francis Ngannou was released from his contract, Jones and Gane have been given the opportunity to fight for the championship at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on March 4. Be sure to tune in to this epic matchup! #JonJones #CirylGane #UFC285


  1. I see most UFC fighters washing dish after 10 years leaving UFC because not benefits leaving ufc or retirement benefits and they don’t pay them enough for putting their life on the line

  2. Francis is an independent contractor but can not even fight tyson fury if he still under UFC contract without UFC getting a cut.. So that contract is messed up.. no health or retirement benefits just look at NBA players or NFL players they still get retirement and health benefits.. Remember this when you treat your employees Good they will always work for you.. Dana white need to pay these men and women.. Most UFC fighters seem broke to me. They only time McGregor made serious money on a fight was fighting Mayweather. Mayweather made him rich forever

  3. I don’t blame Francis for leaving… Can you believe that UFC has no health insurance for their fighter but can not let them do other things to make money.. look at McGregor fight with Mayweather UFC got a cut cos He was still under UFC contract.. I think Dana white is not paying UFC fighters enough and this sport is one of the most brutal sports.. How can Mayweather be making more money than UFC fighters after retirement. Dana white is not paying this fighters enough money to risk their life in the octagon. Francis probably will make more money fighting Tyson furry than he ever made in his whole life at UFC. Proud of him for leaving UFC just like Mayweather said Dana white use this fighters.. To get wealthy and don’t pay them enough

  4. 1:06 I think what he complains about is a really common practice in general sadly, having you tied up to a business but without the benefits of a full time emplyee, like this happends in every sphere (completely against it tho, I'm really happy that this man is stepping up)

  5. Motherfuckers calling Francis greedy when NBA pays their players million of dollars with insurance and still they always flop and then if Francis get hurt during training camp, zero fucking money. Lmao.

  6. francis once he knew the fight with jone jones is gonna happen ,he ran like a coward with excuses about insurance he had no problem with before,,,,,its just the name jon jones putting fear fr his career, what a coward,,,very disapointing so called champ.

  7. You fight for your life to pay off debt in UFC and barely is left to survive. On the other hand Dana gifts 250k to a random youtuber just because of clout xD

  8. “The contract would have made him the highest paid in the UFC history “ that’s on paper…. But how much money does he get to keep at the end of the day?
    There are many fighters who lost their eyes and lives in a few fights and their families get nothing because there’s no insurance.
    So yeah… he’s not asking for too much.

  9. I love how they were offering him millions of dollars and the dude still wanted health insurance, as if though insurance companies would want to underwrite someone who does violence for a living.

    Y'all really don't know how the world works. It's like a business gets to a certain amount of clout and people want them to make all these stupid decisions that would make the company operate at a major deficit, fail, and then nobody gets paid.

    World of idiots.

  10. Ngannou can fight a hands only boxing match vs tysonFyry, anthonyJoshua, or Wilder and make the same 100 million that McGreggor did.

    8 million to fight jones? Good decision.

  11. it takes a man to speak like a man, and to make his divine natural rights respected!
    I was born a free man; you want to sign me to perform a service for you as an independent contractor? Fine, I'm going to act like an independent contractor! You own the services you pay me for, and that I have agreed to do for the money you pay me!
    Apart from this commitment, you will never force me to give up to you any of my rights to contract with anyone else since I am, as you call me: AN INDENDENT CONTRACTOR, and thank you very much for your time and your money!

  12. contract UFC= way too little $ for the $ francis brings to the table, no insurance, no individual possibility with sponsers…. Francis made the right decision! Dana could make a lot of $ and STILL pay the best fighters in the world that what is owed to them. He just chooses not to and pay them a fraction of the $ their fights, sweat and blood generate. greed is not always good !!

  13. Francis Ngannou recognizes and anticipates the reality of health insurance being a deciding factor, especially in the realm of his profession. Dana White and the UFC as a whole refused to address this as either a major oversite or aggressive protection of the self-deprecating/ lack of self-respect ideology that Jon Jones embodies. ie, you're boy White can't handle the fact that Jon Jones will have his face reconstructed by world record-setting power and scared/used technicalities to force away the actual champ.

  14. American president of the indigo people's counsel….fix it for him and others. Call it the Francis action plan for better conditions for healthcare and freedom of choice how to love they're lives. It's only fair to address these essential concerns. Make it work

  15. Dana mad he leaving like the ufc not lowkey fucked up when it comes to the behind the scenes with the fighters with money and health insurance I’m not a fan of jake Paul but when jake was talking about that shit he won’t fuckin lying at all if Dana want Francis to stay pay him his fuckin money and give those fighters health insurance not just him

  16. he had an offer of 8 mill yet hes saying that he was held as a "hostage" wtf remember that UFC made you and youre still acting like a hot celeb… now go to pride or somewhere else where you get paid less.

  17. If Jon beats ceryl which I don’t see happening but whatever can happen and if ufc offers Francis singles fight randomly as independent contractor then maybe we get to see him again also I don’t see that happening 😂


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