Bruna Moura almost passed away en path to the Olympics. She’s back on her skis.

Bruna Moura nearly died en route to the Olympics. She's back on her skis.

Bruna Moura, a 28-year-old Brazilian cross-country skier, got the news in January 2022 that she had actually made the Olympic group after more than a years of effort. Tragically, she never ever made it to the Winter Games; 2 days later on, she checked favorable for COVID-19 and was required to alter her travel plan to receive from Europe to China. On the early morning of Jan. 27, she took a van from Austria to Munich, driven by a Russian guy called Yevgeny. Minutes into the journey, Moura placed on her seat belt, and quickly after, the van hit a truck. Yevgeny passed away on effect, however Moura made it through, experiencing damaged bones, lung damage and a damaged foot. She was required to a health center and later on released and carried by ambulance taxi to the Netherlands, where she copes with her partner Pascal Luiten.

Moura was figured out to return to the sport she likes and in August, she started roller snowboarding once again. With the aid of her colleagues, a Gofundme page was established to assist with the expenses of ending up being a worldwide professional athlete once again. She started running and kickboxing classes, and late last month, she skied on snow for the very first time in a year. Two weeks earlier, she took a trip back to Austria, going by the website of the mishap and sharing the video on her Instagram story.

Moura is now going for the 2026 Winter Olympics, which will have to do with 50 miles south of where in 2015’s disaster took place. Despite the discomfort and obstacles she has actually withstood, she is figured out to represent Brazil in the next Winter Games. She stated, “It harms like hell now, however it will not remain like this permanently.”


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